“I honestly felt like I was part of it”

At Hull Urban Opera, engagement is key, whether you’re an audience member or one of our amazing volunteer performers. You might be invited to enter a drawing competition or judge one! You are at the centre of the action. You’ll find us in unusual spaces around Hull where we create immersive experiences which continually reimagine what opera can be.

Our digital work has been broadcast on Sky Arts & Now TV and our version of Purcell’s famous Cold Song has been viewed on YouTube more than a quarter of a million times. We are supported by Arts Council England, Hull City Arts and a number of fantastic charities as well as Screen Yorkshire and York University.

HUO The drawing task in The Party
Immersive Opera

Find out more about how we work

Be a volunteer performer with HUO
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Volunteer with Hull Urban Opera

HUO's immersive experience A British Summer in 2025
What’s on

2025 details to follow soon

HUO's More Bumps in the Night 2022
Past Opera

More about previous opera productions

HUO's Brain Jar Session 1 2018
Past Concerts

More about our previous concerts

HUO's Crocodile, a digital opera by Lente Verelst
Past Digital

More about our digital work

The Party

Hull Urban Opera’s “brilliant and bonkers” new immersive opera

"this brilliant and bonkers immersive experience" - Reviews Hub

"this is the best modern opera I've seen" - audience feedback

"I've been in many projects in Hull and this was one of the best" - volunteer performer

View HUO’s lockdown opera, Crocodile, on YouTube

A digital opera by Lente Verelst & Lena Vercauteren

“A little bit Punch & Judy and a little bit The Shining, it’s a very dark but also very clever a capella micro-opera using all kinds of vocal effects. Well worth the 12 minutes it takes to watch” – Alexandra Coghlan, opera critic.

After three years with Sky Arts, our animated Punch & Judy opera featuring Poppy Shotts, Joanna Gamble, Alex Grainger & Neil Balfour is now available to view on HUO’s YouTube channel. It is directed by Russell Plows with animation by Anna Bean, libretto by Lena Vercauteren & music by Lente Verelst.

HUO's Crocodile on YouTube

Click image to view on YouTube

About HUO and Immersive Opera

Hull Urban Opera takes a fresh view on what opera is, where it happens, who takes part & who watches

Hull Urban Opera was formed in Hull City of Culture year 2017 by Russell Plows with Ben Newton as Music Director. As Artistic Director, Russell continues to make a case for opera as a universal artform and one which can be enjoyed by any member of society.

Our innovative approach seeks to imagine opera anew with each project. We have presented opera as a guided ghost tour, a mindfulness event, an act of personal storytelling, and we continue to push at the boundaries of what constitutes an operatic work.

HUO presents immersive opera with no barrier between audience and performer. Audience members inhabit the same space as the performers. This creates the intimacy and immediacy which powers the journey we make with our audiences.

Our communities can now really experience a new opera from within by working with us as volunteer performers. HUO believes in the raw power and authenticity of community voices and they are an important force and colour within our new work.

HUO is community-led via continual input and feedback from East Yorkshire people who are volunteers, Ambassadors, voluntary performers and audience members. Suggestions are encouraged and those which gain critical mass go on to become HUO Live or HUO Digital projects.

Our work is designed to have a broad appeal via imaginative responses to topical subjects and high-quality production values & performance.

Hull Urban Opera